
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What I'm Reading

Last week I picked up Attorney David Gibbs book, Fighting for Dear Life: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo and What It Means for All of Us.

Here are some of my thoughts on the first half of this battle between life and death book that I have read:

Who is in charge of life? Of death? Who chooses who is fit enough to live, and who is better off {for society} dead? Does a mother have the right to kill {abort} the baby within her womb? Can a doctor who has taken the Hippocrates oath aid in "mercy" killing? Can a judge order the death of someone who is not a felon? Is there no sanctity for life?

People were up in arms about the government being involved in a family issue {of which it was not once Michael Schiavo went to court} and yet they want government handouts?

Has the line between government involvement and family/individual privacy become so blurred that people don't know how to stand for right, or is it that people twist the constitution to fit their own views?

How was it possible that the President and Congress could not overrule the lowest court system to keep Terri's feeding tube in?

What about the fact that people--including doctors and hospital personnel--were threatened if they helped Terri at all? Why did that not raise HUGE red flags in the minds of people?

How is it that Judge George Greer issued the death of Terri based on hearsay? He had no evidence because he never went to see her and yet he ruled "[Terri] is unconscious, unaware, and without cognition"; conditions that her family {and others who saw her} deny.

You know what is so crazy? Michael had an offer of $1 MILLION dollars to let Bob and Mary Schindler care for their daughter and he {Michael} could go on with his life. He turned it down because "this is not about money...I love her" and yet he was living with another woman during this time--and he had two kids by her. But of course, since he already had $1.2 million from the medical malpractice settlement, he didn't need anymore. So why could he just not have let the Schindler's be their daughter's guardian?

Injustice. Senslessness. Irony. Deploring. Helplessness. Abiding faith. Deep love. Compassion.
Fight for justice.

These are just a few words that describe what I think of this case between life and death. There is a lot more, but I want to finish the book so I have a complete picture before writing any more on it.

I'll leave you with a quote from the book:

The measure of a civilization is how we treat the weak, the dependent, the helpless, and the ill.
Dr. Laura Schlessinger

How is our society doing?

1 comment:

Nicole said...

This book is one my favorites on my shelf! A real eye-opener to the condition our government is and the state of mankind especially!