
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

They're Leaving

Christmas break is officially over for the college kids and tomorrow morning, they are heading back to Chesterton with Pastor Unger.

We have so enjoyed having them back with us. Their voices added a richness to our choir and and I was so glad they could be there for the Christmas cantata.

I loved the impromptu get togethers at Tim's for coffee--or hot chocolate--and spending great fun talking and catching up.

I loved that my not-so-little kid brother was home and it was wonderful seeing him again. He is at university and next year will be his last. I'm sure he will be glad to finish!

As the flurry of hugs and good-byes were said--and reminders to email often!--, I was reminded once again what a blessing friends are and how much I love them.

I loved being able to spend time making memories.

PS. I have about 6 posts as "drafts" because when I attempted to add pictures, Picasa told me I had too many. I didn't know if it was too many on my blog, or on the Picasa site so I deleted all my pictures on Picasa--after moving them to my files on my hard drive :) Anyway, as soon as I figure out where all my pictures hid themselves, I'll post these drafts--albeit late so they will be on the December archive.
Thanks for your understanding!
Me :)

1 comment:

Kristi said...

I love the holidays when everyone comes in, but I sure hate to see everyone leave.
